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Integrated Health Care: Travco Collaborates With NEOMED

Jun 24, 2024
Behavioral Health
With the integrated health care model, physicians and mental health/addiction professionals collaborate to promote optimal wellness. Learn more about how it works.

The integrated health care model recognizes that wellness is about more than just physical health or attending a once-yearly physical appointment. With this model, a physician’s visit can serve as a touch point where patients can also be assessed for/begin addressing addiction/mental health issues as well.

Research has shown that a team-based collaborative approach to health care can offer improved quality of treatment and increased satisfaction among both patients and clinicians. Additionally, the integrated health model has been shown to decrease overall health care costs and improve access to care.

Primary care providers are often the first line of response for patients experiencing any health issues (including mental health issues), but they often lack the time and/or expertise to fully address mental health or addiction concerns. When a mental health/addiction professional is available at a primary care provider’s clinic, it can help increase the likelihood that the patient will follow-up with treatment for those issues when needed.

Travco has collaborated with Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) to deliver this integrated health approach. If a patient shares mental health/addiction concerns when visiting their primary care provider at NEOMED, a Travco clinician is available on site to help address the presenting problem. This might entail solution focused brief therapy during that visit, further assessment of mental health/ addiction issues and/or referrals to other appropriate providers as needed.

The integrated health model helps elevate awareness about the importance of mental health (as well as physical health) while providing improved access to care.

 For further details about Travco’s collaboration with NEOMED or behavioral health treatment at Travco, call 330.286.0050!


Silhouette with arms in the air

Integrated Health Care: Travco Collaborates With NEOMED

Jun 24, 2024
Behavioral Health
With the integrated health care model, physicians and mental health/addiction professionals collaborate to promote optimal wellness. Learn more about how it works.

The integrated health care model recognizes that wellness is about more than just physical health or attending a once-yearly physical appointment. With this model, a physician’s visit can serve as a touch point where patients can also be assessed for/begin addressing addiction/mental health issues as well.

Research has shown that a team-based collaborative approach to health care can offer improved quality of treatment and increased satisfaction among both patients and clinicians. Additionally, the integrated health model has been shown to decrease overall health care costs and improve access to care.

Primary care providers are often the first line of response for patients experiencing any health issues (including mental health issues), but they often lack the time and/or expertise to fully address mental health or addiction concerns. When a mental health/addiction professional is available at a primary care provider’s clinic, it can help increase the likelihood that the patient will follow-up with treatment for those issues when needed.

Travco has collaborated with Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) to deliver this integrated health approach. If a patient shares mental health/addiction concerns when visiting their primary care provider at NEOMED, a Travco clinician is available on site to help address the presenting problem. This might entail solution focused brief therapy during that visit, further assessment of mental health/ addiction issues and/or referrals to other appropriate providers as needed.

The integrated health model helps elevate awareness about the importance of mental health (as well as physical health) while providing improved access to care.

 For further details about Travco’s collaboration with NEOMED or behavioral health treatment at Travco, call 330.286.0050!


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