“Wasping” (also known as “wasp dope” or “hot shots”) is the street name for insecticides (often wasp or hornet killer spray) that are crystallized and ingested (via inhalation or injection) to achieve a high. Sometimes the spray is added to meth to achieve a “combination” high.
Other forms of “wasping” (referred to as “KD,” “Katie” or “zombie”) involve directly spraying these insecticides on other substances such as marijuana or tobacco.
When wasp spray is used on insects, a class of molecules called pyrethroids stun and then kill them. In humans, pyrethroids can cause the following side effects:
- Abnormal sensations (burning or itching)
- Seizures
- Body contortions
- Paralysis
- Headache
- Nausea
- Decreased coordination
- Tremors
- Facial flushing/swelling
“Wasping” has also been known to result in death (reported to occur in people with pre-existing lung conditions such as asthma.
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